Grading Policy
Grade 7 & 8 Social Studies
Daily Warm-ups and Discussions-10%
Homework and In-class Assignments-30%
Any tests, quizzes, or projects will be announced with plenty of time before the due date; I will also post it on my blog every day (under each grade level page). Unless a plan has been made with me before the due date of an assignment, points will be deducted for late papers/projects.
I am one who believes in second chances; often, I will allow students to take their quiz/test home and correct their incorrect responses. Students can earn up to a 75% on test corrections. However, it is the responsibility of the student to make sure the corrections are completed and returned to me within a timely manner. If test corrections are not completed by the due date, I will assume that the student does not wish to fix incorrect responses for a grade adjustment. If the corrections made are still incomplete or incorrect, their grade will be adjusted accordingly.
Habits of Mind
For each content area, students will receive a score for their "habits of mind". Below, you will find some additional information about what the habits of mind are and how students are assessed in those standards.
Work Habits
Completes Assignments; Meets deadlines
3 - Consistently shows strong work habits, marked by completed assignments and met deadlines. Minimal instances of incomplete work or a missed deadline, but not that impacts performance as a student.
2 - Usually shows strong work habits. Occasional instances of incomplete work or a missed deadline, but not that impacts performance.
1 - Inconsistent or irregular work habits. Has periodic or sporadic record of meeting deadlines and completing assignments. This has impact on ability to meet standards.
Organizational Skills
Prepared for class; Manages time well
3 - Consistently organized, prepared for class with materials at the beginning of the period without reminders. Minimal instances of not using time effectively, but not that impacts performance as a learner.
2 - Usually organized and prepared in regards to materials for class or tardiness. Usually uses class time effectively, but at times has impacted performance as a learner.
1 - Inconsistent with organization and preparation. Needs frequent redirects to use time effectively. Has impacted student as a learner.
Uses ability to work with others; Cooperative
3 - Consistently works well with others. Can work with most anyone without conflict. Is a team player and cooperative with both students and staff during class.
2 - Usually works well with others. Has problems working with others or cooperating with staff on occasion only. Can get back to work when redirected.
1 - Regularly or consistently unable to work with others. Refuses to work in groups on a regular basis. Regularly is uncooperative with peers and staff, disrupting learning for self and others.
Demonstrates Core Values
3 - Consistently models Center Drive’s Core Values towards peers, staff, school and materials.
2 - Usually models Center Drive’s Core Values towards peers, staff, school and materials.
1 - Inconsistent with modeling Center Drive’s Core Values towards peers, staff, school or materials.